Kids Educational ABC

    Kids Educational ABC

    Kids Educational ABC

    html5 html5 Mentolatux Mentolatux Android Android Mobile Mobile 2D 2D 1player 1player educational educational math math kids kids kid kid

    game description

    One of the best games for children's education and grooming is the Kids Educational ABC Game. This one-player instructional game for youngsters lets you take on several roles, such as writing the alphabet or coloring, and you'll get to hear the sounds that go with each one.

    If you select fruits, vegetables, or animals' names, the computer will tell you what they are, and your youth will be able to relish this instructive arithmetic game. There are six learning techniques to pick for this HTML 5 android mobile game.

    Each stage of the process is enjoyable and easy to learn for your kid. Thus this is the greatest method for teaching your child the alphabet.

    Release Date: 4 June 2022 , Platform: Web browser (Desktop and Mobile)

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