game description
This fantastic Sea Match 3 game puts you in the cockpit of a racing boat on the open sea. Although getting there may be challenging, better vehicles can be purchased or upgraded to help. You'll also compete in races against real humans and AI bots.
You'll have access to a wardrobe SeasonLand full of fashionable options, and there will be an authority at your disposal to give you an edge. It would help if you either hurried up or were forced to slow slower. The challenging but soothing crossword puzzle you've imagined is here.
The baddies are closing in on the child, and only the brightest among you can complete the puzzles and save her. In every tier, you'll face a new challenge Sea Animal Transport that will test your mental prowess. If you can complete the humorous task, the lady will continue. If we make a mistake, our hero will suffer.
Release Date: 24 June 2020 , Platform: Web browser
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